Are we at the cabin yet? No.
Our floor is done thank goodness! When we get back form the cabin we should be able to move in!!! AHHHH So excited.
On a darker note.
Last night my sister called me selfish because I have a genetic condition called EDS and I'm planning on having children. I think this is the most absurd thing in the world! If some one has high blood pressure in their family would they not have children because of it? NO. Every human carries some genetic defect. Allot are allot worse than mine, just because I know what that defect is does not mean I will pass it on. I have a one in four chance and honestly if I were to pass it on it would not be as bad as me because DH doesn't have this condition. (my mom and dad both had it slightly but didn't know it) Even if it was as bad; I would know how to deal with it. Grr. I can't help but be frustrated.
If every one got tested for every genetic defect they carried NO one would be haveing children...ever. I'm actually more worried about passing on something worse like Tasachts..*shivers* even though I have no family history.
But, the fact that she my own sister would think this. This condition is not a death sentence! It is a big part of my life and it made me stronger and have more character. But still I go back to the fact that my own sister thinks I shouldn't have children, she says she will adotp I want to some day too after I have my own because I want that feeling. That pregnancy feeling, and there for acourding to my sister I am selfsih.
Does this make any sence?
Inspire Yourself at Home
6 days ago
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