What do you do when you can't help but feel like a murder, but your husband insists on me taking it still? It's not that he is an un-godly man because he is not. He is just afraid that if we put it into God's hands I will become pregnant and we wont be financially ready. That I would not be able to stay home and that we will never buy a house. Honestly I understands how he feels and I respect him. But I really do not see the money issue. I will have insurance in October. So that is taken care of. I would breastfeed until the baby would eat solids ok got that. Cloth diaper. Got that. And gear and clothing from my shower (my family is BIG on showers) and from salvation army. I feel that we would be fine.
I would like real input from people on how expensive it really is. From frugal breastfeeding Christian women if you would be so kind. Becuase I know there are allot of lurkers on this site *giggles*
The money thing aside though, I truely believe that god would not give me a child if he thought I couldn't do it. I've prayed very hard about this and I truly believe it is the right thing to do. Any help would be greatly apreciated.
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As an older lady (mid 40's) I have also been through financial hardships. You CAN make it when you are tight on money with a baby! You don't have to have everything that the world makes you think you have to have. The baby doesn't have to be a fashion model...just safe and loved. There are programs to help you if your income is within their brackets...check out WIC (women infants and children)
I agree with you about certain kinds of birth control. I had no idea that the pill actually made the fertilized egg not be able to implant in the uterus lining. (That is if there is an egg that was released...) What do you think of other kinds of birth control? Not as convenient, I think...but not like the pill's "abortion".
I raised 5 kids (still raising some of them) and many of those years I was very low income. They're wonderful children and a blessing to me!
I think it is a fine line, though, about obeying your husband and if you really feel that ALL kinds of birth control are sinful. I know that a lot of people do believe that...I'm unsure, myself. I just had babies for the most part. I only used the pill for about two months after the birth of my third child. YUCK. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone.
I think it is important to be submissive to your husband. Talk it over with him. Tell him how you feel and about your personal beliefs.
BE RESPECTFUL TO HIM!! I'm trying my best to learn how to show respect...even at my middle age!
But if you really feel that you are murdering an unborn child, you really need to tell him that. Explore other options of birth control if he still insists on waiting. I think children are a blessing and a gift from God. I'm sure your dear husband is just worried about finances.
In Christ,
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