My Dad isn't big on fathers day so we just got him a cake. He told me not to get him any thing, so you see we needed a new grill cover so I got the "grill" a grill cover hehe. He was happy.
I didn't do much else today besides find out that a couple that we were good friends with who decided to not talk to us for 8 months is angry because we didn't invite them to the wedding, so now the girl is talking about us saying that we are not going to make it. She is also saying that I never let DH out of the house which is completely not true! She snubbed us off which involved talking about us saying that we "stop by" to much or call to much to get together so we stopped getting together! Then Tom started working 2nd shift before he was working nights and I was in EMT school, running my fire company (vice president) and planning a wedding so no one saw us much which was understood by our little circle of friends. Our friend that she was talking to about us flat out said to her "so when you get married your going to let C out of the house then? HA!
Now I try not to get involved with such nonsense but when it is something so blatantly wrong and rude but it feels so good when some one is put in their place like that. hehe
Inspire Yourself at Home
6 days ago
Hello. I am sorry you are having trouble with friends. Sometimes people do not understand and prejudge us. I know that is very difficult, for I have been there.
Hang close to God's word and His truth. He will pull you safely to harbor in all things.
I am finally learning after 50 years in this earthly life to try to ignore so many voices and just listen for the One voice that is most important. It is challenging though.
Have a blessed week. Enjoy your newlywed life!
In Christ's Love,
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