I didn't post last night because we went night fishing and didn't get back till 1:30, crazy I know.
Other than that we have been painting like crazy! And we bought our washer and dryer also.
I am very happy and I feel God has blessed us very much so. But, that has not always been the case. For over a year DH was laid off and things were not looking up for us. But for the past 5 months or so things have been going great and I really think God was testing our love. I know we past with flying colors *giggles* and I thank Him very much so! One good thing after another keeps happening and I hope it continuous. I also hope that He may bless all of you who happen to see this post.
God bless and Good night.
Inspire Yourself at Home
6 days ago
Woohoo for the washer and dryer! :) ~Bev
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