We painted and stripped wallpaper today. DH has work tonight so we wont be doing anything till Sunday. I think we both need a break so I'm happy with that.
I'm looking through my Nana's old cook books and I can't wait till I can cook my husband a meal!
You have to understand that my family doesn't necessarily think the same way I do. My mom was a sahm and got bored so she went to work. I am not like that. I love my mom to death but we are different. My sister is even worse. She is a die hard feminist. I'm not sure if she even knows my intentions, but lets just say we clash allot on allot of things. My Dad well we don't talk much in general. But, any way back to cooking, I plan on making my own bread, canning, cooking from scratch, and making our own snacks and such. I want to get away from all the store bought junk...kwim? In general I want in my apartment lol. Thats it for now.
Inspire Yourself at Home
6 days ago
Hi, Jenn! I want to thank you for following my blog. I hope you will be blessed and enjoy your visits, and I would love to get to know you.
How awesome that you and your husband are fire fighters! That takes much courage and compassion for others. May God bless you and keep you each and every day.
We are all created with God's own design and destiny for our lives. He is in the midst of your lives and your home, and congratulations on your marriage!
Have a wonderful weekend.
In Christ's Love,
That sounds like a lot of differences within your family but so glad you are willing to take a stand and not just go with the flow. I love hearing about your excitement about taking care of your husband; i.e. baking, cooking, etc. Have a great weekend! :)
Wow that is Great that you are wanting to get away from all the junk products that is now out in stores that we are to feed our families on.
Congrats on your wedding.
God Bless,
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